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Grinding Plant For Gypsum Processing

Gypsum processing

Gypsum is typically mined in an open pit quarry. The process used to mine gypsum is very similar to that used in many other rock quarries. First the exposed gypsum is fractured by drilling and blasting. The fractured gypsum is then loaded onto trucks and transported to a processing plant. At the processing plant, the large gypsum ore is reduced in size by passing it through a large crusher. Crushing the ore generates a mixture of smaller rocks that can be cleaned and sorted by size. Sorting is accomplished by passing the gypsum through a series of vibrating screens. Sorted rock is then loaded for distribution to be further processed like for gypsum powder grinding by the end user.

Gypsum processing contains gypsum crushing plant and gypsum grinding plant.

There are five basic stages in gypsum processing:

1) Excavation from gypsum deposits;

2) Crushing the gypsum rock;

3) Screening with a multi deckvibrating screen will remove large grains which have not been crushed properly and which may contain impurities;

4) Grinding the sorted gypsum rock, gypsum sand;

5) Burning may be done in a number of ways involving a range of technology levels and costs. After burning, the gypsum would still need to be crushed, screened and, possibly, ground down further in a mill.

Gypsum mill

Gypsum mill will grind the gypsum to just the right consistency and distributes. Clay mineral mills like coarse powder mill, micro powder mill are suitable for be using as gypsum mill.

Grindingis necessary if the gypsum is to be used for high quality plasterwork or for moulding, medical, or industrial applications. Unlike with other cements, such as lime and Ordinary Portland Cement, special mills for mineral grinding may not be required.

Gypsum and its usage

The gypsum is ground to a powder and heated to evaporate water. Heating to approximately 160ºC drives off a limited amount of water and Plaster of Paris is produced. The most important use of this type of gypsum is as building material in the production of plaster and plasterboard. Heating to above 200ºC drives off all the water to produce the anhydrite which is used in the production of Portland Cement. More recently synthetic gypsum (desulpho gypsum) has been derived as a by-product of the desulp hurisation of flue gases at coal-fired power stations .Gypsum plant is the major source of plaster building materials.

Gypsum fulfils the demands of the cement industries and Gypsum fine powder is used by farmers as a direct fertilizer for reconditioning of alkaline soils.



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