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News About Grinding Mill

Gansu European version grinding are widely used

Contemporary industrial production and manufacturing technology have occurred in the profound changes, such changes have a common characteristic is the product of the original application of the basic materials, new type of ultrafine powder...

Clirik ultra-fine milling machine solve the deep use of illi

Illite is a common clay mineral, often by the muscovite from K-feldspar weathering, and produced in argillaceous rocks, or from other mineral corrosion . Pure illite clay was white, but often dyed yellow, green, brown and other colors due t...

Shanxi bauxite grinding equipment - bauxite mill

Bauxite, the main component is alumina, an earthy mineral. Chinas bauxite resources are rich, the countrys 18 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government has identified 205 bauxite origin, includin...

Grinding machine industry change the growth mode

There is lack of supporting high-tech, high-precision, high-quality products, product performance, stability and reliability, short life, surface roughness, and unsightly disadvantages in Chinas Grinding machine industry. From the research...

Clirik milling equipment renewal

Since Clirik established,we adhere to the road of independent innovation and dedicated to the production of powder milling equipment, the commonly used powder milling equipment Raymond Mill, Ultrafine Mill , high pressure micro powder mill,...

Clirik Grinding machine down-to-earth

Clirik has developed eight years since it set up in 2004, , initially ,the equipment including broken equipment, Raymond mill and other equipment, and now it developmented to be ultra-fine grinding machines, crushing equipment, lifting equi...

Clirik machining is the most appropriate to process non-meta

91 kinds of non-metallic minerals main including diamond, graphite, natural sulfur, pyrite, crystal, corundum, kyanite, sillimanite, andalusite, wollastonite, sodium niter, talc, asbestos, blue asbestos, mica , feldspar, garnet, pyrophyllit...

Processing coal gangue first elect Clirik Ultra-fine grindin

The gangue is the solid waste from the mining process and coal washing process ,it is a coal-forming process associated with the coal seam as a lower carbon content than the hard coal of black and gray rock. Gangue abandoned and occupied la...

The steel industrys’ dynamics ——Clirik

Chinese steel industry is faced with the total production, total exports and total social stock of high three situation, but the moment the overall demand, market prices and production efficiency was significantly reduced. For the future tr...

The only grinding machine which recived national patent in C

In the era of the country attaches great importance to environmental protection , equipment for the mining industry is highly demanding and must meet national standards .Clirik grinding machine and grinding equipment are the countrys only...